Sharing My Story (Early Learning)Educators invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to share aspects of their culture during structured story or show-and-tell time, and promote respectful listening by all class members when this kind of sharing takes place.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Drama
- Music
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Sharing My Story (Primary)Teachers invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to share aspects of their culture during news time or in research projects, and promote respectful listening by all class members when this kind of sharing takes place.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Sharing Stories (Early Learning)Children view media from the Sharing Stories Foundation Digital Storytelling Program to listen to, and learn from, stories about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures shared by Elders, Traditional Owners and children.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Sharing Stories (Primary)Students view media from the Sharing Stories Foundation Digital Storytelling Program to listen to, and learn from, stories about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures shared by Elders, Traditional Owners and children.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Health and Physical Education
- History
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Sharing Stories (Secondary)Students view media from the Sharing Stories Foundation Digital Storytelling Program to listen to, and learn from, stories about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures shared by Elders, Traditional Owners and children.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Media Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Stolen Generations Resource Kit for Teachers and Students (Primary)The Healing Foundation’s Stolen Generations Resource Kit for Teachers and Students has been created to educate young people about the Stolen Generations experience.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Stolen Generations Resource Kit for Teachers and Students (Secondary)The Healing Foundation’s Stolen Generations Resource Kit for Teachers and Students has been created to educate young people about the Stolen Generations experience.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Then and Now: Reimagining the Land on which we Live and Learn (Secondary)In this activity, students reimagine the land on which the school stands and craft a creative response through poetry. This activity was created by Matthew Nogrady, English teacher at Telopea Park School in Canberra, ACT.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Geography
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Languages
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
This Land is Mine, This Land is Me (Secondary)Through engaging with a short film centred on the song, This Land is Mine, by Kev Carmody and Paul Kelly, students develop an appreciation of the importance of connecting to Country for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Unpacking 'Our Mob Teach' Profiles (Primary)By exploring the Our Mob Teach Profiles published by MATSITI, students appreciate the importance of increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in education environments.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Health and Physical Education
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Welcome to Country (Early Learning)Children reflect on what it means to feel and be welcomed by others generally and then engage with the particular significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Welcome to Country conventions.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Welcome to Country (Secondary)Students reflect on what it means to feel and be welcomed by others generally and then engage with the particular significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Welcome to Country conventions.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Health and Physical Education
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: Country/Place (Primary)This activity supports students to engage with the film Who We Are: Country/Place, wherein six young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people speak about their connection to Country.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Geography
- Health and Physical Education
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Mathematics
- Science
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Who We Are: Country/Place (Secondary)This activity supports students to engage with the film Who We Are: Country/Place, wherein six young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people speak about their connection to Country.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Design and Technologies
- Geography
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Science
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: Culture (Primary)This activity supports students to engage with the film Who We Are: Culture, wherein six young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people describe what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures means to them and to their families.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Languages
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Who We Are: Culture (Secondary)This activity supports students to engage with the film Who We Are: Culture, wherein six young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people describe what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures means to them and to their families.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Media Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: People (Primary)This activity supports students to engage with the film Who We Are: People, wherein six young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people speak about concepts of people, identity and their families.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Media Arts
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Who We Are: People (Secondary)This activity supports students to engage with the film Who We Are: People, wherein six young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people speak about concepts of people, identity and their families.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who's Next Door? (Primary)This activity, shaped around a set of films put together by the Immigration Museum in Melbourne, allows viewers to witness a racist incident through different people’s eyes.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Health and Physical Education
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Primary
You Are Here - Connection to Country (Secondary)Shaped around three short clips from the Connection to Country documentary, this activity aims to stimulate meaningful discussion for classroom learning.
- Relevant Subjects
- English
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Design and Technologies
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Science
- Relevant Years
- Secondary