ABC - Right Wrongs (Secondary)Students engage with ABC's Right Wrongs platform as part of their exploration into days of national significance, and the changing rights and freedoms of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Civics and Citizenship
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
DreamBox (Secondary)Students explore a relevant range of ABC Open's DreamBox photographs as a stimulus for appreciating the aspirations and opportunities of people, including those of their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander classmates.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Design and Technologies
- English
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
First Contact (Secondary)This activity supports students to engage with series 1 and 2 of SBS’s Logie Award-winning documentary resource, First Contact.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Dance
- English
- Geography
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
From ‘Me & Mine’ to Shared Significance (Secondary)Through ABC Open Me and Mine short films, students explore relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, and think about how such relationships are relevant in the classroom.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Let's Talk about the Theme for NRW, 2018 (Primary)The theme for NRW 2018 is Don’t Keep History a Mystery. Use the NRW 2018 poster as a stimulus for inspiring further research, reflection and discussion about reconciliation.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Digital Technologies
- Health and Physical Education
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Let's Talk about the Theme for NRW, 2018 (Secondary)The theme for NRW 2018 is Don’t Keep History a Mystery. Use the NRW 2018 poster as a stimulus for inspiring further research, reflection and discussion about reconciliation.
Media Portfolio (Secondary)In this activity, students collate a portfolio of news articles, research and broader media from a range of different sources about a local or national issue that relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and reconciliation.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Mathematics
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
My Grandmother's Lingo (Secondary)Engaging with My Grandmother’s Lingo, an interactive animation resource, students have the opportunity to appreciate the context, complexity and continued significance of Australia’s First Languages.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Languages
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Publicising RAP Progress (Secondary)This activity encourages students to play a proud, active role in promoting and publicising positive RAP progress.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Digital Technologies
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Racism in Australia Today (Secondary)This activity allows students to critically explore media representations of events or issues in Australia that have illuminated public sentiment around issues of racism, prejudice and discrimination.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Servant or Slave (Secondary)This resource has been shaped around short clips from Servant or Slave, a powerful and evocative documentary film about the domestic servitude forced upon Aboriginal women in 20th Century Australia.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Sharing Stories (Secondary)Students view media from the Sharing Stories Foundation Digital Storytelling Program to listen to, and learn from, stories about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures shared by Elders, Traditional Owners and children.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- English
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: Culture (Secondary)This activity supports students to engage with the film Who We Are: Culture, wherein six young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people describe what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures means to them and to their families.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- English
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: Harry Sabatino (Secondary)Students engage with the Who We Are: Brave New Clan short film that explores the story of Harry Sabatino, who grew up on Sabai Island in the Torres Strait and is now studying to be an Engineer.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: James Saunders (Secondary)In this activity, students engage with The Who We Are: Brave New Clan short film that explores the story and experiences of James Saunders, twenty-eight-year-old business owner who grew up in south-east Queensland and now lives in Sydney.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: Josh Toomey (Secondary)Students engage with the Who We Are: Brave New Clan short film that explores the story of Josh Toomey, a Wiradjuri man from Dubbo who now works as an electrical linesman on the Central Coast.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: Kaylah Truth (Secondary)Students engage with the Who We Are: Brave New Clan short film that explores the story and experiences of Kaylah Truth, a Meerooni woman of the Gurang nation, who has become a successful rapper.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: Kim Isaacs (Secondary)Students engage with the Who We Are: Brave New Clan short film that explores the story of Kim Isaacs, a Yawuru, Karajarri and Noongar woman who lives and works as a doctor in Broome.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
Who We Are: People (Primary)This activity supports students to engage with the film Who We Are: People, wherein six young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people speak about concepts of people, identity and their families.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- English
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Who's Next Door? (Secondary)This activity, shaped around a set of films put together by the Immigration Museum in Melbourne, allows viewers to witness a racist incident through different people’s eyes.
- Relevant Subjects
- Media Arts
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- History
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Secondary