Performance in a Family/Community Place (Early Learning)Children carry out a culturally safe performance to Family and Community Room visitors to proudly demonstrate their respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.
- Relevant Subjects
- Drama
- Cross-Curricula
- Dance
- English
- Music
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Performance in a Family/Community Place (Primary)Students plan and carry out a culturally safe performance to Family and Community Room visitors to proudly demonstrate their respect for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.
- Relevant Subjects
- Drama
- Cross-Curricula
- Dance
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Primary
Performance in a Family/Community Place (Secondary)Students plan and carry out a culturally safe performance to Family and Community Room visitors to proudly demonstrate their respect for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.
- Relevant Subjects
- Drama
- Cross-Curricula
- Dance
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary
RAP Launch Presentations or Performances (Early Learning)Children are provided with positive opportunities to be able to present or perform work that they have produced at their early leaning services RAP launch.
- Relevant Subjects
- Drama
- Cross-Curricula
- Dance
- English
- Music
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Sharing Circle (Early learning)Educators will facilitate regular and structured 'sharing circle' time for children to be able develop an early understanding of the importance and value of inclusion, sharing, friendship and harmony.
- Relevant Subjects
- Drama
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Health and Physical Education
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Sharing My Story (Early Learning)Educators invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to share aspects of their culture during structured story or show-and-tell time, and promote respectful listening by all class members when this kind of sharing takes place.
- Relevant Subjects
- Drama
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Music
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Student Presentations or Performances at RAP Launch (Secondary)Students are provided with opportunities to be able to present and perform at RAP launches.
- Relevant Subjects
- Drama
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Dance
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Relevant Years
- Secondary