Mother Tongue (Early Learning)Drawing on clips from the ABC Open Mother Tongue project, children appreciate both the diversity and significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, cultures, stories and identities.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
My Acknowledgement of Country (Early Learning)In this activity, children develop their own unique and meaningful Acknowledgement of Country that they can use on an ongoing basis.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- English
- Geography
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
My Personal Network (Early Learning)Children reflect on the learning and sharing that occurs in their personal network, and the importance of strong and supportive networks to advancing wider collective processes such as reconciliation.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Paul Kelly & Kev Carmody – "From Little Things Big Things Grow" (Early Learning)Through the lyrics of "From Little Things Big Things Grow," children reflect on both socio-economic injustices, and opportunities, faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and businesses.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- History
- Music
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Performance in a Family/Community Place (Early Learning)Children carry out a culturally safe performance to Family and Community Room visitors to proudly demonstrate their respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Dance
- Drama
- English
- Music
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Play School 'Walking Together' Special EpisodeTo celebrate NRW, Play School share a special ‘Walking Together’ episode.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Prejudice. No Way! (Early Learning)Educators support children to work their way through some of the relevant Prejudice. No Way! activities, developed by the NSW department of Education and Communities and the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Publicising RAP Progress (Early Learning)This activity encourages children to play an active role in promoting and publicising RAP progress.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
RAP Launch Presentations or Performances (Early Learning)Children are provided with positive opportunities to be able to present or perform work that they have produced at their early leaning services RAP launch.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Dance
- Drama
- English
- Music
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Reconciliation Awards—Creative Voting for Kids (Early Learning)This activity encourages children to acknowledge some of the positive reconciliation-related learning/work that they or their peers may have done with their community by by developing a creative guide to a voting system.
- Relevant Subjects
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Reconciliation Every Day (Early Learning)Educators guide children to appreciate that, while there are a number of days of particular national significance, progressing reconciliation is an ongoing, everyday process to which everyone can contribute.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- English
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Reconciliation Garden (Early Learning)A reconciliation garden can be used as an anchor point for learning about the importance of Country/place, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge about bush foods native plants.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Geography
- Health and Physical Education
- Science
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Reconciliation in Action (Early Learning)Use the ‘head, heart, hand’ model to unpack the term reconciliation and think about how ideas and words can be turned into action.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Health and Physical Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Sentiments Behind the Significance (Early Learning)This activity encourages children to develop their empathy skills as they reflect on the sentiments behind different days of national significance and create cards to express these sentiments.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Sharing Circle (Early learning)Educators will facilitate regular and structured 'sharing circle' time for children to be able develop an early understanding of the importance and value of inclusion, sharing, friendship and harmony.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Drama
- English
- Health and Physical Education
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Sharing My Story (Early Learning)Educators invite Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to share aspects of their culture during structured story or show-and-tell time, and promote respectful listening by all class members when this kind of sharing takes place.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Drama
- English
- Music
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Sharing Stories (Early Learning)Children view media from the Sharing Stories Foundation Digital Storytelling Program to listen to, and learn from, stories about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures shared by Elders, Traditional Owners and children.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- English
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Welcome to Country (Early Learning)Children reflect on what it means to feel and be welcomed by others generally and then engage with the particular significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Welcome to Country conventions.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Civics and Citizenship
- English
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning
Working and Saving for What's Special (Early Learning)This activity supports children to develop an awareness of the idea that reconciliation initiatives have inherent value, and that it is worth working and saving towards these valuable rewards.
- Relevant Subjects
- Cross-Curricula
- Relevant Years
- Early Learning