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5 Apr 2017

Introducing the Updated Narragunnawali Platform!

Reconciliation Australia is excited to have launched its updated Narragunnawali platform! Over the last few years, we have listened to teachers and educators about how we can further support schools and early learning services to progress reconciliation. Drawing on this feedback, the updated Narragunnawali platform has a range of new resources and features, including those outlined below.

Anyone—staff, students, parents and community members—can freely access the resources and networks within the platform, regardless of whether your school or early learning service has started a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). 


'Your Resources' page lists the RAPs that you are a part of, Actions and deliverables assigned to you, and your favourite professional learning and curriculum resources.


To further support developing a RAP, and strengthen opportunities for driving whole-scale change in your school or early learning service, you will find the new RAP features highlighted below.

RAP Working Group: It is now possible to become a member of more than one school or early learning service’s RAP Working Group. You can add members to a ‘RAP Support Network’, which can include people who are not on the RAP Working Group but have made an important contribution to the development of the RAP.

Reflection Survey: An updated Reflection Survey is now available to assist with your future planning.

Vision for Reconciliation: As well as updating your Vision for Reconciliation, you can now add an accompanying Acknowledgement of Country statement. Check out our terminology guide to support writing these statements.

RAP Actions: Each RAP Action is now accompanied by comprehensive information and ideas to support its implementation. There are also new Actions, including two newly required Actions available to add to your RAP. These include:

• Build Relationships with Community (required)—build relationships with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community that are founded on mutual respect, trust and inclusiveness.

• Take Action against Racism (required)—raise awareness of, teach about, and take positive action against racism.

• My Time, Our Place (School Age Care) (optional)—support teachers and educators to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being into the curriculum, as outlined in the My Time, Our Place.

• Recognise and Respect Rights (optional)—recognise and respect both the equal rights of all peoples and the unique rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples according to international declarations.

Reconciliation Network (optional)—establish external networks with groups that are committed to reconciliation to mutually support and collaboratively progress reconciliation initiatives.

Setting Goals and Deliverables: For every action, you can now set a tailored Goal (specific and measurable target) and Deliverables (specific step-by-step tasks) to support planning and implementation. 

Submitting a RAP: The updated platform now requires RAPs to be submitted to the Principal/Director and to Reconciliation Australia for final review. This step means your RAP can be published and appear on the ‘Who has a RAP?’ page. 

Publishing a RAP: As mentioned, completed RAPs will now be published on the ‘Who has a RAP?’ page. Those schools and early learning services who are developing RAPs will also appear but these will be de-identified.


The updated platform features extensive professional learning and curriculum resources to support the development and implementation of reconciliation initiatives in the classroom, around the school or early learning service, and with the community. 

The resources are aligned to specific RAP Actions, national curriculum frameworks and professional standards. All materials have been developed by a team of Aboriginal and non-Indigenous teachers and educators, with input and support from expert bodies.

Take the time to explore these exciting platform updates, and don’t forget to visit the FAQs page, register for a Webinar, or contact us should you have any questions, or wish to find out more! 
