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11 Nov 2016

Who We Are: Brave New Clan teaching resources

The Narragunnawali team has teamed up with Cool Australia to create new teaching resources designed to support inquiry into the histories and cultures of Australia’s First Peoples.

The teaching resources harness the power of the 'Who We Are: Brave New Clan' films, which follow the lives of six exceptional young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as they share stories about their communities, history and cultures in contemporary Australia.

The films tell the story of a new generation of high achievers as they navigate life in life in urban, regional and remote settings fast-paced urban environments and on Country. The young people in the film reflect with pride on where they came from, the courage they needed to get where they are, and the optimism they have for where they are going.

The teaching resources are divided into three primary school units; People , Culture, and Country/Place. Each unit contains classroom-ready lesson aligned with the organising ideas of the Australian Curriculum’s cross-curriculum priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures. Each lesson contains engaging activities, factsheets, teacher background information, tips and assessment ideas.

These resources support schools to taking action for reconciliation by committing to whole school change. The Who We Are teaching resources support teachers to take action in the classroom - but what else can you do around the school or with the community?
