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Get news on reconciliation in Australia, ideas for driving reconciliation in schools and early learning services, and highlights of great things happening in schools and early learning services across the country. 

19 May 2022

Narragunnawali News – NRW 2022: Be Brave. Make Change.

National Reconciliation Week is just around the corner!

Held every year from 27 May to 3 June, National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

In this edition of Narragunnawali News we focus on this year's theme “Be Brave. Make Change."

Reconciliation Australia challenges all educators to 'Be Brave' in their teaching and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can 'Make Change' in our classrooms, around our schools and early learning services, and in our communities.

We hope you enjoy this special NRW edition of Narragunnawali News. 

Read on for more! 

National Reconciliation Week 2022 tile.

Reconciliation Resource: National Reconciliation Week (NRW) 2022

This year’s NRW theme is a challenge to all Australians to Be Brave so we can Make Change for the benefit of all. The Narragunnawali NRW resources are here to support you in taking brave action to further reconciliation in education.

Tori-Jay Mordey image.

Teacher Feature – Tori-Jay Mordey

Meet Tori-Jay Mordey, the artist behind the NRW 2022 ‘Be Brave. Make Change’ illustrations. The Torres Strait Islander artist speaks about her art, inspirations and the important role First Nations artists play in advancing reconciliation.

Image of Early Childhood Australia Reconciliation Symposium brochure.

Spotlight On – Early Childhood Australia Reconciliation Symposium

Narragunnawali team members joined over 200 educators at the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Reconciliation Symposium in Darwin in early May. Find out more about the state of reconciliation in early childhood education from the three-day event from this report.

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Reconciliation in the Media

From art to identity, repatriations to mental health; this month’s Reconciliation in the Media stories showcase brave actions in daily lives, creating real and tangible change.
